Thursday, December 4, 2008


Ok, I survived the evening after all. The remedy? I got up at 4:45 this a.m. and ran!!! I don't want to sound obsessive but 6 1/2 weeks really isn't that far away- no matter what anyone says! So, I struggled on my least favorite machine- the treadmill- but I pulled through!! I even thought "wow, I feel so great maybe I should come back again tonight and run some more" haha! I know that thought will change after a 6 hour Jr.High volleyball tournament! So, being practical I will wait and run tomorrow after practice... I know I can do this- it is just so darn easy not too!
Nothing much exciting on the news front other than that... It's almost Friday!!!

1 comment:

John Clark said...

Good girl! It's small victories staced up that lead to bigger victories.